Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Examples of Language Contact

Definition and Examples of Language Contact Definition Language contact is the social and linguistic phenomenon by which speakers of different languages (or different dialects of the same language) interact with one another, leading to a transfer of linguistic features. Language contact is a major factor in language change, notes Stephan Gramley. Contact with other languages and other dialectal varieties of one language is a source of alternative pronunciations, grammatical structures, and vocabulary (The History of English: An Introduction, 2012). Prolonged language contact generally leads to bilingualism or multilingualism. Uriel Weinreich (Languages in Contact, 1953) and Einar  Haugen (The Norwegian Language in America, 1953) are  commonly regarded as the pioneers of language-contact studies. A particularly influential later study is  Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics by  Sarah Grey Thomason  and  Terrence Kaufman (University of California Press, 1988). Examples and Observations [W]hat counts as language contact? The mere juxtaposition of two speakers of different languages, or two texts in different languages, is too trivial to count: unless the speakers or the texts interact in some way, there can be no transfer of linguistic features in either direction. Only when there is some interaction does the possibility of a contact explanation for synchronic variation or diachronic change arise. Throughout human history, most language contacts have been face to face, and most often the people involved have a nontrivial degree of fluency in both languages. There are other possibilities, especially in the modern world with novel means of worldwide travel and mass communication: many contacts now occur through written language only. . . . [L]anguage contact is the norm, not the exception. We would have a right to be astonished if we found any language whose speakers had successfully avoided contacts with all other languages for periods longer than one or two hundred years. (Sarah Thomason, Contact Explanations in Linguistics.  The Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by  Raymond Hickey. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013) Minimally, in order to have something that we would recognize as language contact, people must learn at least some part of two or more distinct linguistic codes. And, in practice, language contact is really only acknowledged when one code becomes more similar to another code as a result of that interaction. (Danny Law,  Language Contact, Inherited Similarity and Social Difference. John Benjamins, 2014)   Different Types of Language-Contact Situations Language contact is not, of course, a homogeneous phenomenon. Contact may occur between languages which are genetically related or unrelated, speakers may have similar or vastly different social structures, and patterns of multilingualism may also vary greatly. In some cases the entire community speaks more than one variety, while in other cases only a subset of the population is multilingual. Lingualism and lectalism may vary by age, by ethnicity, by gender, by social class, by education level, or by one or more of a number of other factors. In some communities there are few constraints on the situations in which more than one language can be used, while in others there is heavy diglossia, and each language is confined to a particular type of social interaction. . . .   While there a great number of different language contact situations, a few come up frequently in areas where linguists do fieldwork. One is dialect contact, for example between standard varieties of a language and regional varieties (e.g., in France or the Arab world). . . . A further type of language contact involves exogamous communities where more than one language might be used within the community because its members come from different areas. . . .The converse of such communities where exogamy leads to multilingualism is an endoterogenous community which maintains its own language for the purpose of excluding outsiders. . . . Finally, fieldworkers particularly often work in endangered language communities where language shift is in progress.   (Claire Bowern, Fieldwork in Contact Situations.  The Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by  Raymond Hickey. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)   The Study of Language Contact - Manifestations of language contact are  found in a great variety of domains, including language acquisition, language processing and production, conversation and discourse, social functions of language and language policy, typology and language change, and more. . . . [T]he study of language contact is of value toward an understanding of the inner functions and the inner structure of grammar and the language faculty itself. (Yaron Matras, Language Contact. Cambridge University Press, 2009) - A very naive view of language contact would probably hold that speakers take bundles of formal and functional properties, semiotic signs so to speak, from the relevant contact language and insert them into their own language. To be sure, this view is much too simplistic and not seriously maintained any longer. A probably more realistic view held in language contact research is that whatever kind of material is transferred in a situation of language contact, this material necessarily experiences some sort of modification through contact. (Peter Siemund, Language Contact: Constraints and Common Paths of Contact-Induced Language Change.  Language Contact and Contact Languages, ed. by  Peter Siemund and Noemi Kintana. John Benjamins, 2008) Language Contact and Grammatical Change [T]he transfer of grammatical meanings and structures across languages is regular, and . . . it is shaped by universal processes of grammatical change. Using data from a wide range of languages we . . . argue that this transfer is essentially in accordance with principles of grammaticalization, and that these principles are the same irrespective of whether or not language contact is involved, and of whether it concerns unilateral or multilateral transfer.. . . [W]hen embarking on the work leading to this book we were assuming that grammatical change taking place as a result of language contact is fundamentally different from purely language-internal change. With regard to replication, which is the central theme of the present work, this assumption turned out to be unfounded: there is no decisive difference between the two. Language contact can and frequently does trigger or influence the development of grammar in a number of ways; overall, however, the same kind of processes and directionality can be observed in both. Still, there is reason to assume that language contact in general and grammatical replication in particular may accelerate grammatical change . . .. (Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva,  Language Contact and Grammatical Change. Cambridge University Press, 2005) Old English and Old Norse Contact-induced grammaticalization is part of contact-induced grammatical change,and in the literature of the latter it has been repeatedly pointed out that language contact often brings about loss of grammatical categories. A frequent example given as illustration of this kind of situation involves Old English and Old Norse, whereby Old Norse was brought to the British Isles through the heavy settlement of Danish  Vikings in the Danelaw area during the 9th to 11th centuries. The result of this language contact is reflected in the linguistic system of Middle English, one of the characteristics of which is the absence of grammatical gender. In this particular language contact situation, there seems to have been an additional factor leading to the loss, namely, the genetic closeness andaccordinglythe urge to diminish the functional overload of speakers bilingual in Old English and Old Norse.   Thus a functional overload explanation  seems to be a plausible way to account for what we observe in Middle English, that is, after Old English and Old Norse had come into contact: gender assignment often diverged in Old English and Old Norse, which would have readily led to the elimination of it in order to avoid confusion and to lessen the strain of learning the other contrastive system. (Tania Kuteva and  Bernd Heine, An Integrative Model of Grammaticalization.   Grammatical Replication and Borrowability in Language Contact, ed. by  Bjà ¶rn Wiemer, Bernhard Wlchli, and Bjà ¶rn Hansen. Walter de Gruyter, 2012) Also  See AccommodationBorrowingContact LanguageHistorical LinguisticsKoineizationLanguage ChangeSociolinguistics

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparing philosophy of nursing and education Essay

Comparing philosophy of nursing and education - Essay Example In any given community, education and nursing play a great role in promoting development. According to Carroll it means a certain kind of thinking or a certain kind of attitude to a certain problem (carrol, n.d). Edward reports that nursing philosophy is the assertiveness towards life and reality that circulates from individual nurses (Edward, 1997). For individuals to develop a certain philosophy of nursing one must consider the abilities to which a nurse obligates her heart and soul to. The main purpose of this article is to compare and contrast the philosophical statement of Richmond medical facility and that of Virginia Common wealth Medical College. The mission of Virginia Common wealth Medical College of Virginia School of Nursing Philosophy (V CU) is to improve health and the general human state. This shall be achieved through conducting nursing study under proper administrative leadership. The institution will provide aim to provide nursing education that will translate to quality nursing services. Thus in order to achieve all these, the facility has to maintain its excellence in education through preparing future scholars for nursing and health care services. The institution seeks to be essential in the change and growth needed in clinical research countrywide. Through caring out these practices it thus provides services that are beneficial to the community and also credit the profession. The facility will provide its expertise and novelty for best practices in education and practice so as to be a national model for clinical scholarship (Virginia Commonwealth University, 2013). They facility educates nurses so as to improve the services offered by the nurses for the benefit of the patient. However VA provides direction on what qualified nurses need to practice when caring for the veterans. They issue leadership on the therapeutic nursing role on care of patient.    On the other hand the mission of Veteran Affairs (VA) is to provide direction on all the issues related to nursing practice. The institution provides the much needed guidance in medical programs and in the various care delivery sites that impact the veterans. The facility has been obliged to fulfill the president Lincolns promise â€Å"To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan†( Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address, 1865, p.1). the facility will do this by serving the men and women who are America`s veterans. The main difference between these two institutions is that VCU seeks to impact knowledge on scholars especially nurses so that they can be able to practice in future. In that they provide edu cation to the students who have no experience and also impact skills in them. The VCU since its birth in 1968, like the other facilities it wants to a firm its ground as a leading university among the nation’s pre-eminent public university. To achieve these levels the university has continually encouraged research. It has gone to the extent of giving back to the community by the students providing health care to its neighbor’s. This has improved the access to health care to the most vulnerable and underserved population. VCU next major step is to look for peculiarity as a public university centered on students triumph. It aims to do this bearing in mind that there are scarce resources and increasing call of accountability and demonstrable value for higher education (VCU, School of nursing 2013). Contrary, to the statements above VA is a diverse group of compassionate professionals whose main focus are veterans who served America. They ensure that the needs of the entir e veteran population are represented, this involves putting resources where veterans are and where resources are most needed (United States of Veteran Affairs, 2013). According to "United States Department of Veterans Affairs" (2013) there are some core values that guide the nurses as they practice. They are supposed to maintain

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ehical perspective of business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ehical perspective of business - Assignment Example Business and individuals therefore when left on its will do whatever it takes to make a profit. It can only be mitigated by introducing ethics to temper its greed and have a sense of responsibility. Unethical practices are just very common particularly in business. Even us, as consumers are part of it without even knowing it. Once classic example is our participation and our encouragement for sweatshops to flourish by our patronage to their products. They employ bondage and child labor with despicable working conditions and they continue to exist because of us. And just when we thought that big businesses are not involved in employing sweatshops, we are very wrong because they are. Worst, they will even distance themselves and deny it when they are caught. I can cite the example of Swedish fast-fashion retailer  Hennes & Mauritz who subcontracted to a sweat shop in Cambodia whose building collapsed that killed many of its workers. Instead of being remorseful, Hennes & Mauritz instead denied approval of their orders to the factory to distance itself from the issue (O’Keeffe and Narin). Another company involved is Asics, a Japanese sneaker company. Asics however took a different approach and instead said that it will conduct an investigation to mitigate public anger of being a party to employing sweatshops (Cheang). These cases illustrate that business is indeed amoral that put ethics in business may seem to be an oxymoron because they contradict each other (Crane and Matten, 2006). This would not have happened without our participation and part of the equation of the blame is on us because we patronize and even seek products that are made from sweatshops. Actions which may be considered unethical such as deception and use of sweatshops may even become permissible as long they can become profitable. And if they are exposed, they will readily deny involvement

Sunday, November 17, 2019

China High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

China High School - Essay Example Shang society was based on aristocrats with a king on the head. He had a centralized power and also was military supreme. The religion at that time was paganism and was based on ancestor worship. People were in resentment by his ruling but the king of the rival Zhou kingdom that was a part of Shang kingdom killed him. So Zhou became the ruling dynasty (1066 - 256 BC) and that was the period of extension of the Chinese civilization. The territory that dynasty's leaders had to cover was very large so due to the poor means of communication so they had to appoint people to oversee each territory and at that time this territories began to shape into cities. The lords of the territories received their titles through inheritance. As Shang dynasty Zhou dynasty was also agricultural country. The religion was paganism. The main god was god of heaven Shang Ti that at that time was called T'ien. The rulers of Zhou dynasty believed that they got their power to rule from heaven (Robert, 1999). In 770 BC the Zhou kings lost their territories that they had accredited to their lords. The lords rebelled and defeated the capital. The new capital was formed in the farther East and the period of Eastern Zhou began. The territories became more powerful and there was economical growth even through the continuous war between the territories. This was also the time when China entered the Iron Age that had a great influence on the people life and also it helped to enhance state power. Also at the period of Eastern Zhou is famous because then was a golden age of Chinese philosophy. The most famous philosopher of that period is Confucius (Morton and Lewes, 2004: 51). From the 4th century BC the state of Qin began to accumulate power and to reform its administration, economy and military. It grows stronger at the same time when Zhou kingdom weakened and died. Soon Qin conquered seven warring states and became the ruling dynasty (221 - 206 BC). The Qin dynasty was that one that put the beginning to China. The emperor wanted to conquer the warring states and he succeeded, so China became the united state. Also emperor pronounced himself as the first emperor of China or Shih Huang Ti. The first emperor unified China, standardized writing, weights, and measures throughout his kingdom. At this period was built the Great Wall of China. By this time the emperor became old and after the wrong treatment had died. Then followed the rebellion against the Qin dynasty that lead to the next dynasty the Han (221 - 206 AD). Liu Pang, took the control of the former Qin empire. He proclaimed himself emperor in 206 BC. He established the Han dynasty which would become the most durable dynasty of the imperial age. The Han Empire used all achievements of Qin dynasty and also modified politics. The Han Empire reached the peak of its development during the emperor Wu Ti (140 - 87 BC). He wanted to expand his kingdom but his reforms led to the revolt (Gascoigne, 2000: 73). During a revolt Wang Ming - a courtier, deposed emperor and established short Xin dynasty. At this period slavery was abolished and he tried to rearrange land politics but it caused a large rebellion during which the emperor was killed

Friday, November 15, 2019

Developing Road Protection Program Policy

Developing Road Protection Program Policy Theory of microeconomics Introduction Consumers of the American region, in particular, road are the ones who have the right to be safe and protected as it is outlined in the mechanisms of environmental protection. The inclusion of this statement will be valid for any possible products and services that are being provided in the market place to promote safety devices providing consumers with the believes and faith that their functionality is to provide protection to their road and that they can be sound around different objects of threat and harm. Consumers are supposed to be educated in terms of increasing their knowledge and awareness of being informed shoppers and their rights to consume products that are safer for road. Consumers in this regard should also know the hazards which can take place while specific products are currently in implication. The launch of a product is not merely the availability of something useful; it should rather be safe to use after the purchase is made. Multiple consumers are supposedly repo rted by ANEC (American Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardization) undertake the CE mark to be the official safety seal when there is no universal American mark that allows a product to be used on safe terms. Serious injuries and even fatal accidents have been reported associated with various products in many Member States’ system of national data in the region. Within the US market therefore, there is an essential need of evaluation and measurement of the consumer product safety regulations in an essential manner. The chosen product is baby prams for the purpose of analysis in this report. Discussion Health aspects and road protection programs determine the success and practical approach of a product company because all of the individuals and managing persons like to take advantage of such facilities over time. Just when they are allowed to fulfill the expectations from work, they are also going for free assessments, training sessions and check-ups as well. This clearly indicates the level of interests in people for the road protection programs to be introduced in the system for good. Management in dealing with road protection programs is extremely important when it comes to providing a centre of achievements and coordination. No matter what an individual is getting out of these programs, on a cultivated level, the aim of any corporation while introducing these road protection programs is to help their employees lead a professional approach and lives through education and self-management in all terms. Road side protective plan and management of environmental factors is of great importance and diversity as well because there are different aspects involved with it that are not only convenient to understand but very applicable and successful as well. Where people think value chain is only predictable and applicable on the business management firms and organizations but it can also be implemented on different technological factors and considerations. Things like information systems and production work can also imply value chain model very practically. Information systems are all about carrying out the purchasing, communication, material handling and several other aspects which value chain model can handle pretty well if implied in a better manner. Technology has advanced with modernization and enhancement of different activities throughout the world and value chain model can make it even susceptible and prone to getting on intermediate success height. The idea which value chain model can base on when it comes to connecting it with information systems is that an organization is more than just manpower, resources, outlook and research or the machinery and equipment that is being used at all times; it is about the arrangement and a systematic appearance and organization of different production facilities. Within information systems, technology matters and consumers want to get something which they are paying for and in this matter it is highly important and significant that the value chain model supports the idea generation and background of the material provided. The ability to go on making progress with the routine activities generating different developmental arrangements will be the linkage point between the information syste ms and value chain model. For the success of road protection programs and their implementations, there are some basic elements and considerations which should be contemplated and noted down. Here are those functional basics and predisposition requirements to look over. Support and direction from the leading services If the management that is belonging to the upper level of a road protection industry is not involved with the road protection programs and its strategic implementation, it will remain a low priority with managers and other employees and there will no specific clue as to what should be done about it for a successful and clearer approach. For this reason, there should be clear decisions taken to make sure CEOs and other beneficiaries are involved with the procedure to make employee’s physical and mental state health and essential enough. Involvement of employees in the developmental procedure Just when the layout for road protection program for a company is being designed, there should be a common sense approach of employees with it as well since the implementations are taken place for the employees on their own. It is therefore critical for that matter to have planned the logistics and classes which are to be moderated later on. Employees should support these programs in a cultivated fashion to support their own personal beings and participate further to what they have developed on their own. Objective analysis Just when the hospitality industry is making road protection program plans and different commencements or determining which techniques can be implemented for the causes, there should be suitable planning done for the purposes as well. In order to have successful implementations of these programs, it is important for the internal and external factors to be balanced out which is why a careful monitoring and observation is required essentially (Roberts, 1996). In order to have the road protection programs projected in a manner that they will increase the productivity of a company, there should be checking as in determining if these plans are meeting the objectives and purposes on a normal, usual basis. To do that, there should be surveys and production analysis to the means and measurements. This will determine and clarify which plans have been the most effective and which sets of instructions are the most captivating ones. External assessments can also be carried out to know whether th ey have been any helpful and moderating for the cause or not. Having a budget plan Having budget plan for the road protection program is the most important and essential out of all the management considerations because this is going to cover the allowances and extra techniques that are being employed on the employees and it will also commence the extent to which these management tactics can be extended over time. This will analyze the road protection programs as a vital part of the organization and not only that, it will also cause the settings to become more motivational and stronger with the gradual time allowance and movement. Budgeting will also ensure that expenses of the programs are controlled in a specific manner and that the funds are not being wasted. Although road protection programs are not invented by different companies for stress reduction and several other soothing techniques, it is an integral part of customer service and productivity in an important manner. The significance of eliminating stress and frantic behavior from the customer service management should ultimately be removed and therefore, hospitality industry emphasizes on having proper measurements and a proactive approach towards road protection programs and applications. Effective functioning of those business components is required for any road and environment protection serving within any region of the world because they are known commodities for the effective implications and therefore proper advancements of the social backgrounds. These set of backgrounds are important to be included within the road and environment protection because they prove a greater amount of competitiveness and advantages within the social arrangements. The qualities and information availability assures attainment of major contracts and consumers for those hotels which have labors and skills for the purpose in a benefitting manner. The specifications and reviews are also approached for those companies and hotels that follow such regimens; contribution of employees for that matter are extremely important as well because the guidelines and appropriate rules are going to define a majority of conclusive approximations which are necessary for the hospitality causes and for the i ndustry. For the skills and their fitting to the broader system of work, there are different job designing parameters for the validation of staff. Such purposes are fulfilled with the help of labors and skills as well and they are important for effectual strategic placement as well as recruitment of more individuals. Labors and skills are important in creative aspects of the road and environment protection as well culminating within the responses of multiple advancements; there are individuals required for thinking procedures and creative responses as well and they can only be found in cases of proper selection and foundation of individuals. Growth and developmental factors hinge on such arrangements too. Conclusion Health should be a top priority when it comes to talking about things which an affiliation or a company should do for its product because it is something very essential and important and not only it can be taken out much derivations from but also carried out to have successful planning done within a considerable amount of time. There are a lot of different companies that do not recognize and undermine the benefits and advantages of the road protection programs and the ones which haven’t done so up until now still believe in the concept for an increase in the productivity and employee involvement in a single company. It can be directed towards anything and everything that an individual can go through including work stress or an ailment that the individual is already suffering from in the first place. Creating and implementing road protective programs on different levels of a product organization is essential and important and it is full of outcomes and results that are positive and ready to be customized in any way one can possibly think about. For the manufacture industry, it is even more compelling and advanced because this allows for every sector of this association to have complete control and command over their abilities. It is a field where people as employees need to provide their customers and consumers with the satisfactory outcomes and results that they need and it can be only achieved when the staff is feeling up to the mark and their mental health is not being compromised for some reasons and that they are enjoying their tasks in a beneficial manner. While buying products, the consumers should know of the regulations and commencements as well in order to provide prams or other associated products that are safer to use and convenient to operate. Knowing the components that are harnessed effectively and to create a balanced use for the road is important and beneficial as well. In the US product manufacture industry, the regulations should be taken into account by both the companies and customers to create proper awareness and knowledge of the topic. References Allen, N. J., and Meyer, J. P. (1990).The Measurement and Antecedents of Affectice, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization. Journal of Organizational 80, Psychology, 63, 1-18. Apospori, E., Nikandrou, I., Brewster, C., and Papalexandris, N. (2008), ‘HRM and Organizational Performance in Northern and Southern Europe,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management 19, 7, 1187–1207. Barrett, A., O’Connell, P. J. 2001. Does training generally work? The returns to in company Training. Industrial and Labour Relations Review, 54(3): 647-662. Oribabor, P.E. (2000), â€Å"Human Resources Management, A Strategic Approval Human Resources Management 9 (4) 21 24 Peteraf, M.A. (1993), ‘The Cornerstones of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View,’ Strategic Management Journal, 14, 3, 179–192. Stavrou, E., Brewster, C., and Charalambous, C. (2004), ‘Human Resource Management as a Competitive Tool in Europe,’ work paper, London: Henley College.20. Tyson, S., Tyson, S., and Fell, A. (1986), Evaluating the Personnel Function, London: Hutchinson. Role of Training in Determining the Employee Corporate Behavior with Respect to Organizational Productivity: Developing and Proposing a Conceptual Model Vol. 5, No. 12; December 2010

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Deficiencies In Development Of Cocaine Children :: essays research papers

It has been estimated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that every year 40,000 babies are born to mothers who have used cocaine during their pregnancy. Unfortunately, the outcome is unfair for these children, because the mothers do not take into consideration that they are responsible for another person’s life. These children have various levels of deficiencies in the learning process and in the way that they behave. The levels of deficiencies in children vary in accordance with the mother’s consumption of cocaine. Thereby not only are there defects at birth, but also later on in the developmental years. Women who use cocaine while pregnant cause a great damage to their children during the developmental years; especially in the aspects of cognitive motor and social/ behavioral deficiencies. Cognitive deficiencies are those that deal with an individual’s thinking and reasoning process. These abilities are seen in the beginning school years, not at birth, but are the subtle characteristics that only through the school environment can be recognized. In a class environment, the deficiencies of a cocaine child are often confused with those of a disruptive child. The underlying truth is: teachers are not able to cope with them on an individual basis and give them more attention. An initial sign that some children demonstrate is a lack of concentration on virtually every task. Excessive disorganization beyond that of regular children along with being more than just the class nuisance can be characteristics of cocaine-exposed children. While most children are able to stay on task, these children will be easily deterred if given the opportunity. These children tend to exhibit a lack of exploration of the environment which results in less pretend play (Cates, 68). In a study done by Mayes, â€Å"when given a box of toys, for example they [spend] less time exploring the new toys than [do] the control children† (Vogel, 39). Another pending issue is that cocaine-exposed children do as well as regular children in settings with no distractions, such as a one-on-one quiet room session. The truth is that in real life there are a plethora of distractions. A study conducted at Wayne State University, in Detroit found â€Å"that teachers rated 27 cocaine-exposed 6 -year-olds as having significantly more trouble paying attention than 75 non-exposed children (the teachers did not know who was who) (Begley, 1997, 63). Imitative play is a way of learning for toddlers, which drug-exposed children are less likely to demonstrate.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Sonderkommandos http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/Auschwitz_Resistance_280_cropped. jpg/555px- Auschwitz_Resistance_280_cropped. jpg Table of contents Introduction3 The need of sonderkommandos4 Politics4 gas chamber5 The work of the sonderkommandos8 Revolts within the camps10 Survivors12 Resources16 Introduction When one thinks of concentration camps, the link to the gas chambers will be made without difficulties. However, do people really know how they worked and who where needed to let these killing machines function?The answer is no, some can still tell how the gas chambers worked, but barely anyone knows who worked inside them and that they had to abide the most horrific events that took place in the second world war. This paper is dedicated to those who we don’t know about, the ones we would rather know nothing of, the ones who can never be forgotten. In order to understand what really happened inside these sonderkommandos and their highly unusual workplace, it is vital to obtain some knowledge about the Nazis and their ‘final solution’ first.This paper will try to give a clear overview of the road towards the implementation of the gas chambers, the life of the people that lived inside of these sonderkommandos, the uprise that took place within the sonderkommando of Auschwitz Birkenau, known survivors from sonderkommandos, and the aftermath. There is barely any information available about this topic, I tried to use as many different sources as possible. There are some testimonies made about some of the survivors filmed by the SHOAH foundation, which can be found on Youtube.Some other survivors have written down their story in books, and others drew pictures of the events that they witnessed. All of these sources where extremely important in the creation of this paper because the Nazis never documented anything of these events that took place within the gas chambers. Their primary goal was to extinguish all evide nce created around their ‘final solution’ of the non Aryans. This paper will mostly be focused on Auschwitz and its sonderkommando, since most information available is from this camp. The need for sonderkommandosBefore explaining what the sonderkommandos did and how they operated it is necessary to explain why they were needed. There will be an explanation from the political point of view as well as the invention of the gas chamber. Politics After the first world war, Germany was forced to oblige to the Versailles treaty. This treaty stated that Germany and its allies were fully responsible for the damage and losses during the first world war. This resulted in paying a high sum of money namely, 132 billion marks for reparations, it lost around 20 percent of its territory and it had to minimize the army.The German population was devastated by this treaty but they never saw it as official. During the Weimar government Germany experienced hyperinflation which was the effec t of the Versailles treaty, this was the first time that Hitler tried to get the power in Germany in November 1923, however, it failed but it made him and his party the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) known with the public. Hitler got arrested for his attempt and was sentenced to 5 years in prison, he got out within one year.While he was in jail he wrote his infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’, in this book he describes his view on the Versailles treaty, the Jews and other minorities, the superiority of the Aryan race, and that Germany needs more territory for the Aryans. Hitler on the cover of his book, Mein Kampf http://www. nazi. org. uk/hitler-racial-state_files/image004. jpg During the elections of 1932 the NSDAP won a significant amount of seats in the Reichstag, it rose from 107 to 230, and it became the largest political party with 37,4 percent of Germany.Hitler became chancellor on the 30th of January 1933 from a government that was quite divided, even though the NSDAP was the largest party the SPD and KPD were also represented in the Reichstag. In this government there were only two ministers from the last named parties whereas all the other ministers were members from the NSDAP, Hitler almost took over all power within one year after the elections. The NSDAP made the ? enabling pact? which basically gave the parliament the power to make laws without consulting the Reichstag.When President von Hindenburg died on the second of August 1934, Hitler became president due to a law that passed one day before. This law stated that the office of president would no longer exist and that the powers of the president would merge with those of the chancellor. Hitler now had all power in Germany and he was able to implement his vision of Germany without any resistance. The Final Solution can be divided in three phases. The first phase was between 1933 and 1939, it affected Jews within the borders of the German empire.As Hitler described i n his book, Germany needed more space for the Aryans to live in and that the German race should be purified, this meant that the non Aryans had to leave. At first mass immigration sounded like the solution, it would be the easiest and cheapest option, however, the non Aryans would not just leave their homes and mother country for no reason, most of these families lived in Germany for generations. Therefore the NSDAP came up with a boycott of Jewish stores on the first of April 1933, this had barely any effect on Germany.Some Jews tried to leave Germany but foreign countries were not eager to let them in, emigration was not an option. The Nuremberg laws was the next step, these laws were written in 1935 and are also known as ? the laws for protection of German blood and German honor?. These laws had a large impact on the life of the Jews. The Jews were deprived from their citizenship, they were not allowed to marry or to have an Aryan, that marriages and relationships between Jews an d Germans were prohibited, Jews were not allowed to show the national flag or the national colors.Besides these new rules, the Nuremberg laws also stated who was considered to be a Jew. Half Jews were considered to be full Jews and were only allowed to marry a full Jew or another half Jew, whereas a quarter Jew was only allowed to marry an Aryan. After the murder on Vom Rath, a member of the Nazi party, by a 17 year old Jewish boy, on the 7th of November 1938. The Nazi? s retaliated on the Jews by destroying Jewish property on the 10th of November, such as stores and synagogue, this night became known as Kristallnacht. Besides the demolishment, 91 Jews were killed, and an estimated 30. 00 Jews were sent to concentration camps. After this event the majority of the Jewish population tried to emigrate away from Europe? s mainland, but again, like a couple of years before, other countries were not willing to let them in and most were deported back to Europe. Gas chambers As said before, Hitler wanted to free Germany from the non Aryans, when it became clear that mass emigration did not work, other options had to be considered. The Nazis had started with the compulsory sterilization of disabled people since 1933, an estimated 360. 00 persons were sterilized between 1933 and 1939. When Aktion T4 started in 1939 it began by killing children with a shot of phenol, who suffered from the down syndrome or another non curable illnesses. The second step was to murder adults with a range of different diseases such as: dementia, syphilis, epilepsy, and others. A lethal injection was a not very effective method because it was time consuming and too expensive. It was Hitler who recommended to use carbon monoxide on adults, the first test with gassing people took place in January 1940.The results were satisfying for the people who were concerned and it was applied to multiple euthanasia centers across Germany. Aktion T4 made 70. 273 victims and was shut down in 1941. Before the Jews and other non Aryans were sent to the gas chambers they were murdered by special SS groups. These SS groups also known as Sonderkommandos, when working on German territory or Einsatzgruppen, when working on foreign ground, performed killings by shooting entire Jewish populations to death. These mass murdering started from 1941 in the western part of Russia as well as in Ukraine, Bulgaria, and other eastern European countries.All victims had to undress themselves and they would be shot or killed by a gas van. The estimated amount of deaths that these SS groups are accountable for is around 2 million, which is 25 to 30 percent of the deaths on non Aryans made by Nazi Germany(approximately 6 million). These large scaled murders were quite hard for the SS men to deal with, the SS soldiers that were selected for these task were not able to keep on doing this without experiencing mental problems. Himmler himself had witnessed the work of one of the Einsatzgruppen in Minsk were a 100 Jews were shot.According to Karl Wollf, his face turned green and vomited after witnessing the event. Killing all Jews by guns was not doable mentally and economically, since gassing disabled people was a ‘success’ during Aktion T4, camps were designed with the implementation of gas chambers. When Germany took over Poland in 1939 all Jews were forced to live together in ghettos in big cities, that were easily accessible by railroads. By having all Jews together in large ghettos it will make it easier for the Nazis to deport them to concentration or death camps.Concentration camps were around since 1933, Dachau was the first official one to open, they were build to house political prisoners of the Nazi regime, they were forced to do intense labor, the living conditions were miserable. Around December 1941, Hitler decided that all the European Jews had to be exterminated, Hitler putted Himmler in charge of his ‘final solution’ which stated that the Jews were forced to work till death and the weak, old and disabled would be killed immediately. The code name of this project was operation Reinhart, and it’s sole purpose was to create extermination camps that could kill all the Polish Jews.Multiple death camps were build such as: Chelmno, Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor, even though Auschwitz and Madjanek are considered to be death camps too, they were also functioning as labor camps. Death camps in occupied Poland http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/WW2-Holocaust-Poland. PNG The death camps that were designed and build during operation Reinhart all had overall the same layout and were all located near a rail line, this was important in order to get the victims easy in to the camp. Chelmno used gas vans and had no crematoria, the bodies were burned in pits in the woods.Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka all had gas chambers that worked on diesel engines, Auschwitz and Madjanek both used Zyklon B to gas the victims. The f irst test with Zyklon B took place in Auschwitz in the infamous block 11 on Russian prisoners of war, Zyklon B was previously used to disinfect clothes. These tests with this gas were very effective, it was less time consuming that using gas chambers operating with diesel engines and it was less expensive. The work of the sonderkommando When a train would arrive in Auschwitz, a selection was made between the ones who were fit to work and the ones who were assumed not to be able to work.The group of people who did not pass the selection would be sent to the gas chambers. Once arriving in the crematorium, they were told by the SS guards to undress themselves and to proceed to the showers. To make the process faster the victims were told that after the shower they would be provided with a meal. Within the undressing rooms there were little hooks which were intended to hang clothes on, the SS guards would tell the people to remember their number so that they would be able to find their clothes back after the shower. When entering in the gas chamber it didn’t look that suspicious since showerheads were placed on the ceiling.When the whole selected transport was inside the gas chamber, the door would be locked and an SS guard would pour the Zyklon B gas from the roof into the gas chamber trough a little opening. It took a couple of minutes before the gas started to work, it would spread from the bottom to the top of the room, after 20 minutes all the persons inside the room were dead. Once the gas chamber was cleared from the corpses, the whole room had to be cleaned and repainted in order not to look suspicious for the next victims. The bodies were send up to the furnace area, in which they were cremated.The whole process of arriving till death took place within 3 hours, multiple transports per crematorium would be processed during a day. The members of the sonderkommando were forced to participate throughout this whole process, their job consisted out of di fferent tasks. A few would assist in the undressing room where they helped people to undress and to get into the gas chambers, if a member would speak the language of the people who were about to be murdered, he would translate the orders from the SS guard in order to make the process go faster.Two members of the sonderkommando were needed on the roof of the gas chamber were they had to lift off the heavy lid to the opening for the Zyklon B crystals. After the people were deceased, an air ventilator would be switched on the refresh the air, the door to the gas chamber would be opened, after which the members from the sonderkommando had to drag every victim out by using a cane of a string of fabric. The Zyklon B gas had a weird effect on the dead bodies, a person would get rid of all its body fluids when the gas started to work.This meant that all the bodies were covered in urine, blood, vomit and feces. Once the bodies came out of the gas chamber, the members of the sonderkommando h ad to place the bodies on a small elevator which would bring the bodies up to the furnace area. Up in the crematorium other members had to put the corpses on a metal stretcher and throw them into the ovens. Once the bodies were cremated, the large pieces of bones would be crushed by some members in a huge grinder, all the ashes would be collected and dumped in a river close by.Besides working inside the gas chambers, the members of the sonderkommando also had to burn people in massive pits, the crematoriums could not always handle the amount of corpses that needed to be cremated. Another task that they sometimes had to perform was to walk a victim, mostly elderly, up a stair where a SS guard was hiding, who would shoot the victim in the neck. These people were not able to go in to the gas chamber and therefore were murdered in a different way. The members of the sonderkommando were not allowed to communicate with other prisoners within the camp.Their standards of living were higher than in the rest of the camp, they all had a bed and the food supply was better due to what they could find in the victims possessions. Even though they had a bit more advantages from other prisoners, the Nazis did everything possible to make their live harder and more complicated. A member of the sonderkommando dragging people out of the gas chamber, drawn by David Olere http://1. bp. blogspot. com/-GwK8gwHiSn0/TdLwHbiBY5I/AAAAAAAABfo/o5dL0rdbRas/s1600/Sonderkommando. JPGIn the Jewish faith it is not appropriate to touch a body when it is not clean, this is just one example of the methods the Nazis used to make the lives of the Jews inside these sonderkommandos more miserable. Besides witnessing the horrors of their job there was another factor that was a threat to them, the Nazis tried to replace the members of the sonderkommando regularly, they did not want to have survivors who could testify what they had seen and witnessed. In Auschwitz there were approximately 1200 workers imp risoned in the different sonderkommandos spread over the five different crematoriums.Revolts within the camps After news of the revolt in the ghetto of Warsaw and the losses of the German Army in Stalingrad and north Africa, the Jewish prisoners within the death camps got a little more faith in surviving their ordeals. Multiple uprisings against the Nazis took place within the camps. Treblinka After the last transport came into the camp in the beginning of 1943, the Treblinka prisoners were participating in clearing all the evidence from the Treblinka site.Mass graves were opened and all corpses had to be burned, when this work was almost completed, the Jews noticed that once the work was finished they would be killed to erase the last trace of evidence. On the second of August 1943 they revolted against the Nazis by attending a mass escape. Their plan was to take over control of the camp, however it failed, all prisoners stormed to the main gate and around 300 were able to escape. Most of the camp of Treblinka was burned down during the revolt. Sobibor When the prisoners realized that less transports were coming in, like in Teblinka, they decided to take matters into their own hands.Individual escapes were not a good option, since the SS would retaliate against the remaining prisoners, a plan had to be created that could get the whole prisoner population out. When a transport with Russian prisoners of war came in everything changed, one of these inmates was Sasja Petsjerski. He and a Jewish inmate created a plan where the SS guards and Ukranians would be killed, telephone cords would be cut, and the whole camp population would escape at once. The revolt took place on the 14th of October 1943, from the 600 camp population, 300 made it out of the gates alive.The estimated number of survivors is around 50 to 70 people. The 100 members of the sonderkommando of Sobibor did not participate in this uprising and were all murdered the next day. Sobibor closed down aft er this revolt. Auschwitz Within Auschwitz the plan of revolting against the Germans already existed for a longer period of time, there was contact between the polish underground and members of the sonderkommando. Even though members of the sonderkommando were not allowed to communicate with other prisoners, they established contact when picking up the soup in the kitchen in the women’s camp.Besides exchanging information, gun powder which was taken by female prisoners, was given to members of the sonderkommando. When the incoming transports were reducing rapidly in the fall of 1944, the revolt was planned, which was executed on the 7th of October 1944. The plan was that all crematoriums would escape at the same time, however, it started in crematorium IV by accident. The members of the sonderkommando used the gunpowder that was smuggled in to blow up the crematorium. Members of the sonderkommando of crematorium II and IV tried to escape through the fences into the woods.Insi de crematorium III the kapo decided that it would be better not to attend the revolt and to remain inside. The men from the two other crematoriums were either killed in the revolt, or killed after they were captured again. After this event crematorium IV and crematorium III were not in function anymore and they were demolished, the members of the remaining sonderkommando were given instructions to tear down the gas chambers, they were the only ones who were allowed down there. The outer part of the buildings were taken down by normal prisoners.After the revolt the members of the sonderkommando slept in a small building in the men’s camp of Birkenau. When the death marches started in January 1945, the members of the sonderkommando blended themselves into groups of other prisoners who were leaving the camp with these marches. After they mingled with other prisoners it was impossible for the SS to find the members back. These survivors have been important in order to understand how the final solution took place. Survivors of sonderkommandos Known survivor Treblinka: Martin Gray 27-4-1922-Born in Warsaw, he was able to escape from Treblinka, after the war he married a Dutch woman and got four children together, whom all died in a forest fire in 1970. He remarried and is still lecturing all over the world. Known survivor Chelmno: Michal Podchlebnik Worked in Chelmno in the waldkommando, his job was to bury the victims of the Chelmno gas trucks, he also tidied up the changing rooms after the people were gassed. He heard how the people were gassed. He was able to escape from Chelmno in 1942. Known survivors sonderkommando Auschwitz: The highest amount of survivors is from Auschwitz as described in the previous chapter.The list created below, is putted together with the use of multiple websites and books. There are more survivors but some were not willing to share their stories and never wanted to speak their ordeals ever again. Israel Gutman 1923- Born in Wars aw, participated in the Warsaw revolt. He was send to several camps afterwards, he was one of the creators of the sonderkommando revolt. After the war he testified in the Eichmann process. Milton Buki 1909-1988 Prisoner number: 80312 Morris kesselman Prisoner number: 11900 Yosef sackar Prisoner number: 182739 Avraham Dragon 1919-2007 Prisoner number: 80360 Szlamo Dragon Prisoner number: 80359Brother of Avraham Dragon Daniel Behnnamias 1923-1994 Prisoner number: 182477 Greek Jew with Italian nationality who after the war, wrote a book called the holocaust odyssey of Daniel Behnnamias, he died in Oakland, United States. Alter Fajnzylberg 23/10/1910-? Prisoner number: 27675 Arrived in Auschwitz on the 27th of March 1942, he witnessed the gassing of the gypsies. Shlomo Venezia 29/12/1923-1/10/2012 Prisoner number: 182727 Wrote a book about his experiences in Auschwitz called ‘inside the gas chambers’. After the war he found his older sister Rachel back, his mom and two litt le sister were murdered on arrival.Morris Venezia 2/1921-? Prisoner number: 182728 A Greek Jew with Italian nationality, he is the older brother of Shlomo Venezia. Dario Gabbai 1922-? Prisoner number: 182568 A Jew from Greece, he was in the same transport as a lot of other survivors. After the war he shared his story with many others, he believed that his testimony is important to picture the complete story of the horrors that took place. Dario Gabbai, Shlomo and Morris Venezia went back to Auschwitz to participate in a documentary called: Auschwitz, the final witness. Jakov Gabbai 1912-1993 Prisoner number: 182569 The older brother of Dario Gabbai.Henryk Tauber 8/7/1917-? Prisoner number: 90124 A Polish Jew who arrived in Auschwitz at 19th of January 1943, he had a few different jobs in the camp before he was selected for the sonderkommando. After the war he testified for a Polish court. Filip Muller 1922- Prisoner number: 29236 Fillip Muller, born in Czechoslovakia, worked for alm ost 3 years in the sonderkommando, this is an extremely long time whereas most others would not work longer that 3 months to a half a year inside the crematoriums. After the war he wrote a book about his ordeal called ‘eyewitness Auschwitz: three years in the gas chambers’ Henryk Mandelbaum 5/12/1922-17/6/2008 Prisoner number: 181970 After the war, Henryk dedicated himself to teach others about his own experiences of being a member of the sonderkommando. He always kept his tattoo to remind himself what he went through. Leon Cohen 1910-1989 Prisoner number: 182492 Wrote a book from Greece to Birkenau, which is dedicated to the uprising in the crematoriums. While he was working in the sonderkommando, he carried out a job as a dentist, he had to pull out the golden teeth from the deceased in crematorium III. David Olere 19/01/1902-2/8/1985Prisoner number: 106144 David Olere was transported from transition camp Drancy in France to Auschwitz on the 49th transport on the seco nd of March 1943. He worked as a member of the sonderkommando his entire stay in Auschwitz. On the 19th of January he was evacuated from the camp by participating in a death march which led him to Ebensee in Austria, he got liberated on the 6th of May 1945 by the American army. After the war, David Olere used his painting skills to create an image of what happened inside the crematoriums and gas chambers of Auschwitz.No pictures or video material of the gas chambers and the crematoriums was ever shot, therefore his drawings and paintings are considered valuable. Miklos Nyiszli 16/6/1901-5/5/1956 Prisoner number: A8450 Miklos Nyiszli was deported to Auschwitz in June 1944 with his wife and daughter, at arrival he told the staff he was a doctor. He was forced to work as Mengele’s assistant and to perform autopsies in the crematorium. After he got liberated from the Donau camp on may 5th 1945 by the U. S. Army he found his wife and daughter back. He died of a heart attack in 195 6. ResourcesThe need for sonderkommandos http://www1. yadvashem. org/yv/en/education/languages/dutch/encyclopedia/19. asp http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mein_Kampf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws http://yalepress. yale. edu/yupbooks/excerpts/greif_wept. pdf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler http://www. duitslandweb. nl/naslagwerk/Geschiedenis/Derde+Rijk+tot+1939/Machtigingswet+en+gelijkschakeling. html http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0015_0_14977. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Action_T4 http://www. youtube. com/watch? =LJ8ogV5e8co&feature=related http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Karl_Wolff http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Operation_Reinhard uprisings http://www. holocaustresearchproject. org/revolt/sonderevolt. html http://cohen. gr/newsite/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=2278:-2&catid=69:2011-03-21-15-02-30&Itemid=78 http://www. sobiborinterviews. nl/en/the-revol t/the-revolt http://www. ushmm. org/outreach/en/article. php? ModuleId=10007747 survivors http://fcit. usf. edu/holocaust/ARTS/DOBIO/DOarts. HTM http://www. ewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/biography/HenrykMandelbaum. html http://www. go2war2. nl/artikel/2541/Mikl%C3%B3s-Nyiszli-het-Sonderkommando-in- Auschwitz-Birkenau. htm http://www. mazal. org/archive/documents/Tauber/Tauber01. htm http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=P-IinMCbdJA http://www. nytimes. com/2012/10/07/books/shlomo-venezia-auschwitz-sonderkommando-and-survivor-dies-at-88. html? _r=0 http://sonderkommando. info/proces/cracovie/temoins/feinsilber/index. html http://www. schoah. org/shoah/holocaust/greif-0. htm http://www. martingray. eu/ Books used: Sonderkommando Auschwitz Shlomo VeneziaISBN: 9789026321016 Europe reborn Harold James ISBN: 0-582-21533-1 Ooggetuigen van Sobibor Jules Schelvis ISBN: 9789026323140 ————————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Official number from the Nazi party, however, the number of deaths is probably much higher. [ 2 ]. Reichsfuhrer of the SS, he formed the SS einsatzgruppen and created the extermination camps. He is accountable for the deaths of millions of Jews. [ 3 ]. SS grupenfuhrer, and Himmler’s ‘ears and eyes’ within Hitler’s headquarters. [ 4 ]. First death camp build. [ 5 ]. Might contain errors, since no real official lists excists.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Analyzing A Speech Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Analyzing A Speech Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Ms. E. Hanzsek EN111 Writing For Research 09/15/2015 Analyzing A Speech I HAVE A DREAM Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The most powerful portion of this whole speech for me, was the very last portion. It clearly states When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" The reason why I feel that this is the most powerful portion is simply because I believe that every person of race or creed or place of living should be able to have the same rights. Should be able to practice their religion without fear. We live and breathe all the same, we live in the United States of America. We are all considered Americans, therefore we should all be able to reap the benefits of living in this great nation. Do I believe it would stand today? In all honesty, I believe it would be a little bit of both yes and no. Not everywhere do whites and blacks have the same rights, not everywhere do whites see blacks the same as them. Although we have come a long way from how it was back then. We have children of all creed, race and color within the same classroom, receiving the same education, playing together outside the classroom.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jewish Revolt essays

Jewish Revolt essays The Jewish revolt led by Bar Kochba in 132 AD was not the work of a single if a single radical revolutionary. It was the inevitable result of years of promises not kept to the Jews, and laws which suppressed the basis of Jews as a nation. To understand the reason for Bar Kochbas Revolt one must go back many years even before the war. Prior to Hadrian, an emperor by the name of Trajan was the ruler of the Roman empire. Due to the rebellion of the Jews in the Diaspora to the east and the west of them, Trajan, in order to keep the Jews in Palestine from rebelling he had to send a great general to be governor of the Jews in Palestine, a general who was well with the harshness in which he treated people. This generals name was Tineius Rufus, he was the general that put down the uprising of the Jews in Parthia. Because of Rufus reputation of his severity to the Jews, he uprooted any thought of the Jews in Palestine to rebel against Rome at that time. The Jews did not want to rebel anyway. Trajan had promised the Jews that he would rebuild the asenv ,hc, the Jews assumed this also meant The Pagans in Palestine did not want the asenv ,hc to be rebuilt, they thought that if it was rebuilt it would be the rebirth of the Jewish nation. Also, in addition, Trajan, the Emperor who made this promise died and was succeeded by Hadrian. The Jews were unsure if Hadrian would keep the promise that Trajan once made. Hadrian wanted to go to Jerusalem to see what he was rebuilding before he started the construction. When Hadrian got there he was awed by the sight of a once desolate and fruitful city in ruins. He immediately wanted to start the reconstruction. However later the Jews were surprised and disappointed to discover that Hadrian wanted to rebuild Jerusalem not as a city for the Jews to restart in, but as a Pagan city sanctified to the Pagan G-...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Interaction Design Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Interaction Design Problem - Assignment Example In addition, the software design effectiveness from the client’s viewpoint is greatly concerned with the user interface. In this scenario, the system or software user interface is the screen connections and designs among operational screens that permit the client to communicate with the application. Hence, it forces software developers to produce products that convene the requirements of the users. In fact, the software that convinces the requirements of uses is taken as a more user friendly system (Harish). This paper will analyze some of the major interaction design related problems in technology based systems. At the present, system developers are paying a great deal more attention on interface design however in this situation there are also some issues still present in some extensively engineered systems. In this scenario, the basic aim of this research is to assess and analyze Facebook’s Timeline interaction design problems. In this paper, I will discuss some of th e major issues and interaction design problems with Facebook Timeline. This research will also highlight some the basic issues in a less software based application. For this purpose I am going to assess and analyze the interaction design problems in the automated navigation system. Facebook Timeline Interaction Design Problem In this scenario, it is assessed; that Facebook can soon be altering its new beacon web based social network feature that shares user’s personal details (if we are not discovering it personally) through 3rd party websites outside the Facebook. In this scenario, the main interaction design issue is about the Facebook timeline interface. In Facebook Timeline interface people need to work themselves into frenzies regarding privacy and in danger to deactivate. A small number of people really did, and eventually the Newsfeed turned into one of the the majority dynamic (as well as addicting) constituents of the entire Facebook web based social network (Krause; Brown; Mueller). Additionally, the Facebook Timeline idea encompasses a number of flawed aspects regarding user interaction. In this scenario, because of user interface, privacy, or anything is yet remotely technical. In addition, the challenge is very straightforward people, and their web based characteristics have changed. In fact, the Timeline, by getting and classifying all of our past posts and activities on the website, stops us from ever cutting loose and starting over (Krause; Brown; Mueller). Figure 1 Facebook Timeline Exposing all Posts Formerly, we could alter our profile picture. We could delete some items that tacky album we posted online during freshman orientation. However, if we did not dynamically delete our web based content, our drunken photos, activity, midnight rants, jokes faded away with time. However, with the Timeline Facebook interface we have all these contents back to user’s notice. In addition, by using the new Timeline Facebook feature, all cont ents that we previously posted is back. Moreover, if we have been still partially active on Facebook for the previous few years, there is just too much of it to probably delete manually (Krause; Brown; Mueller). Figure 2 Timeline Previous Details Panel Moreover, this is one of the biggest personal user privacy issues

Friday, November 1, 2019

Why is the 1980s the pop decade that receives the most negative Essay

Why is the 1980s the pop decade that receives the most negative critical press, and is it justified - Essay Example Technology wise, the trend was also fast-emerging. The improvement of telecommunications played a key role in the success of the current technology. Scientifically speaking, there were several vital breakthroughs in science which led to further improvements in the succeeding years. There was also a recorded tremendous increase in the world’s population and is actually one of the periods with the largest recorded rate of increase. The fashion and style aspect also rocketed during this period in time and there were many things which made the people, most especially the youth, go gaga and engrossed to their icons to the extent of imitating them in how they look, what they do and all sorts. There are many other factors which made many people and even historians consider this era as a highly celebrated one in terms if the aforementioned reasons and events. However, as the saying goes, for every swing of the pendulum, there is always a counter-swing. This is because there are also several aspects which made people look at this era as an uncalled for- something which is ridiculed because of several negative implications that it brings to the people. One aspect which suffered bittersweet treatments is the entertainment industry, more specifically the music industry. It was this specific industry which is home to one of the most celebrated yet criticized icons. The music industry was considered to be at its peak during this period. Much advancement such as technology, style, genres and other matters emerged during this time. Pop music during those times was more of the dance tunes and even reached the age of rock and rap because of the advancement. Because of the great acceptance of the public to music, many musicians became icons which gained international fame and respect. To name some are Michael Jackson and Madonna- who were both